Congratulate!!! We did it! The song is already in the public domain! 🚀 Anthem of Crypto — “Crypto Is My Money” (CryptoIsMyMoney) 🚀

Hey! As promised, we have prepared a surprise for the #crypto community. This is a song about crypto.

We thank you for your support and patience! And now you can personally see and hear this surprise! We tried our best! Sing along with us! Yo! Crypto is my money!
P.S. And yes, we are preparing a clip, an #NFT series, a game and a videoblog) Thank you for your support!

P.S.2 Don’t forget to subscribe, like and share with your friends!




🚀 Anthem of Crypto - "Crypto Is My Money" (CryptoIsMyMoney) 🚀 -